Gary Oleyar
Violin, Fiddle
GARY OLEYAR has been making music since he was a young child. Inspired to pick up a guitar by Duane Allman, OLEYAR can now play “anything with strings.”
A veteran of many musical adventures, OLEYAR has toured the world playing and making music. I had the pleasure of first meeting him this past December. He was performing with the great singer/songwriter LAURA CRISCI in Asbury Park, NJ.
A multi-instrumentalist, OLEYAR had just come off of a tour with Loggins and Messina. When asked about how he got that gig, he replied with a chuckle, “because I play many instruments really badly.” He then went on to explain that he was living in Nashville when he answered an open audition for a fiddle player. “There were seventy-five native fiddle players from Nashville. I was a Jersey guy. I passed the audition and, much to my surprise, I’ve been playing with them ever since.”
OLEYAR has also played with many other well-known acts. He told us the story of how he was once a player in country music star Kenny Chesney’s band. After two albums, he decided to pursue other avenues. He jokingly stated that this was a regrettable decision. “Many times I’ve kicked myself for leaving.”
OLEYAR has also toured with Bob Seger, among many others.
Have you ever watched The Weather Channel? Well, there’s a good chance that the background music you’re hearing was done by GARY OLEYAR. OLEYAR has done an entire CD of music for the channel that is still in use today.
Like most musicians, OLEYAR wanted to have his own recording studio. Telling us that he earned his money the “old fashioned way, he inherited it,” OLEYAR has built a home recording studio.
One of the things that he enjoys about playing the role of recording engineer the most is hearing and helping the many talented people who come through his door. No stranger to the recording process himself, OLEYAR has come to learn the pleasures of being on the other side of the board in the studio. Likening the making of a truly good record to an art or a science, he loves being involved in the creative process. Currently, along with his long-time friend Bob Harris, he is working with an Irish country music player by the name of Deklyn Quinn. This Dublin musician has recorded his first CD in OLEYAR and Harris’s studios.
Between his hectic touring schedule, as well as his seemingly never ending local gigging, one never knows where or with who GARY OLEYAR may be seen next. After our program, he was heading to Las Vegas to play some shows out there. Upon his return, he’ll soon be going back out on the road with Loggins and Messina as they continue their tour.