Product Description
English, Spanish
In this "Magic Motives" jazz improvisation lesson, renowned pianist and educator Dan Haerle shows you his system of applying motives to jazz harmony. Dan discusses and demonstrates how to effectively create a simple idea and seamlessly move it through a set of jazz chord changes, so that you can add depth to your solos. If you want to bolster your jazz vocabulary and develop cohesive improvisations, this masterclass is for you. NOTE: There is a PDF bundled with the download version (not the $8.99 streaming version) which includes the embedded notation from the video.
Topics Covered: Jazz, improvisation, using motives, 5 note scales, applying motives to different chords, chromatic embellishment, jazz harmony, permutations, rhythm, articulation, patterns, motivic expansion, ii V I, jazz progressions, applying these concepts to a tune, jazz vocabulary, etc.
Dan was inducted into the International Association of Jazz Education “Hall of Fame” at the annual conference in Toronto on January 9, 2003. The IAJE Hall of Fame Award honors individuals whose musical contributions and dedication to jazz education over the past 25 years have created new directions and curricular innovations for jazz education worldwide.
In 2007, Dan completed his modified service at UNT and became a member of the adjunct teaching faculty. In the fall of 2007, he was named Professor Emeritus.
In 2008, Dan joined the faculty of the Dallas School of Music where he taught for seven years.
On January 6, 2012, the Jazz Education Network (JEN) awarded Dan (along with Jamey Aebersold, David Baker and Jerry Coker) the distinction of “LeJENd of Jazz Education” at its 3rd annual conference in Louisville, Kentucky.
In April of 2014, Dan received the DJAM (Dallas Jazz Apreciation Month) award of Jazz Educator of the year.
In October of 2015, Dan was awarded the 2015 Sammons Jazz Artist of the Year.
Bachelor of Music in Music Education from Coe College (1961)
Master of Music in Composition from North Texas State University (1966)