Alan Pasqua (Inner Voice Movement)
Glenn Zaleski (Voice Leading Concepts for Piano)
Sale!Jerry Bergonzi (Improvising With Melodic Shapes) – Bundle
Jerry Bergonzi (Improvising With Melodic Shapes) 2
Jerry Bergonzi (Improvising With Melodic Shapes) 1
Will Vinson (Odd Time Independence)
Sale!Andy LaVerne (Blues Beyond Bebop) – Bundle
Andy LaVerne (Blues Beyond Bebop) 4
Andy LaVerne (Blues Beyond Bebop) 3
Andy LaVerne (Blues Beyond Bebop) 2
Andy LaVerne (Blues Beyond Bebop) 1
Sale!Nitai Hershkovits (Creative Jazz Piano) – Videos 1 & 2 Bundle
Nitai Hershkovits (Creative Jazz Piano) 2
Nitai Hershkovits (Creative Jazz Piano) 1
Sale!David Hazeltine (Jazz Comping Essentials) – Videos 1, 2 & 3 Bundle
David Hazeltine (Jazz Comping Essentials) 3
David Hazeltine (Jazz Comping Essentials) 2
David Hazeltine (Jazz Comping Essentials) 1
Mark Shim (Developing Your Rhythmic Concept)
Duologue (Conversation Between Dave Liebman and Richie Beirach)
Geni Skendo (Hand Care for Musicians)
Sale!Jerry Bergonzi (Improvising With Triad Pairs) – Bundle
Jerry Bergonzi (Improvising With Triad Pairs) 1
Jerry Bergonzi (Improvising With Triad Pairs) 2
Sale!Otmaro Ruiz (Brazilian Piano Essentials) – Videos 1 & 2 Bundle