Dan Haerle 5 (All About Half Steps)
Andy LaVerne (Arranging For Solo Piano)
Sale!Eddie Brown (Gospel Organ) – VIDEOS 1 & 2 BUNDLE
Sale!Walt Weiskopf (Understanding Chords & Scales) – BUNDLE
Sale!Nitai Hershkovits (Creative Jazz Piano) – Videos 1 & 2 Bundle
Sale!Brian Charette (Organ Secrets & Improvisation) – BUNDLE
Sale!Jerry Bergonzi (Working With Approach Tones) – Bundle
Glenn Zaleski (Unlocking the Left Hand) 1
David Hazeltine (Jazz Composition Techniques) 2
Glenn Zaleski (Unlocking the Left Hand) 2
Otmaro Ruiz (Applying Scales for Jazz) 1
Jeremy Manasia 1 (Piano)
Alan Pasqua (Locking in the Rhythm)
Sale!David Hazeltine (Jazz Composition Techniques) – Bundle
Tom Scott 2 (Intro to Indian Rhythm)
Jeremy Manasia 4 (Piano)
Otmaro Ruiz (Applying Scales for Jazz) 2
Dan Haerle 4 (Magic Voicings)
Sale!Glenn Zaleski (Unlocking the Left Hand) – Bundle
Geni Skendo (Hand Care for Musicians)
Dan Haerle 1 (Understanding a Tune)
Jeremy Manasia 3 (Piano)
Michael Weiss (Harmony as an Expressive Device) 2
Michael Weiss (Harmony as an Expressive Device) 1
Jeremy Manasia 2 (Piano)
Brian Charette (Advanced Harmonic Tools) 1