Jeff Colella (Horizontal Improvisation)
Sale!Jeremy Manasia – (Minor Sounds) Videos 5 & 6 Bundle
Alan Pasqua (Transposing on the Gig)
Rick Germanson (Comping on Piano)
Sale!Jean-Michel Pilc (Improvisational Fluency) – Videos 1 & 2 Bundle
Jeff Colella (Transcription Studies: Bill Evans)
Jean-Michel Pilc (Improvised Storytelling)
Jae Deal (Synth Bass for Gospel & Jazz)
Mike Garson 3 (Bowie and Beyond)
Jeremy Manasia (Preventing Physical Problems)
David Cook (Accompanying a Vocalist)
Mike Garson 2 (Art of Teaching)
Mike Garson 4 (Healing Music)
Brian Charette (Performing Electronic Music as a Solo Artist)
Mike Garson 1 (“NOW” Music)
Sale!Mike Garson – Videos 1, 2, 3, 4 & PDF Bundle