Aubrey Richmond (From Violin to Fiddle)
Sale!Arne Wendt (Keyboards & Synths) – Videos 1 & 2 Bundle
Jo Lawry (Being a Backing Singer)
Asaf Rodeh (Guitar)
Pete Griffin (Bass)
Arne Wendt 2 (Keyboards & Synths)
Sale!Yogi Lonich (Guitar) – Videos 1 & 2 Bundle
Sale!Aaron Comess (Drums) – Videos 1, 2 & 3 Bundle
Ben Stivers (Synthesis)
Martin Estrada (Guitar)
Yogi Lonich 2 (Guitar)
Arne Wendt 1 (Keyboards & Synths)
Yogi Lonich 1 (Guitar)
Aaron Comess 2 (Drums)
Aaron Comess 3 (Drums)
Sale!Michael Leonhart (Music Production) – Videos 1 & 2 Bundle
Ben Stivers (Linear Improvisation)
Sale!Fletcher Beasley (Live Band Sound With MIDI) – Both Videos Bundle
Sale!Adam Levy (Alternate Tunings and Capo Tricks) – VIDEOS 1 & 2 BUNDLE
Julie Erikssen (Being a Professional Singer)
Hans Glawischnig 2 (Electric Bass)
Sale!Al Street (Guitar) – Videos 1 & 2 Bundle
Asaf Rodeh (Networking, New in Town)